Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In Case the Log Cabin Republicans Weren't Being Taken Seriously

So, apparently, the Log Cabin Republicans were becoming far too liberal and alienated form conservative values. So, a few members went on to create GOProud. No, seriously. This is according to an article on, the same website that posted the ad for their paid membership, of which I have posted a picture of on an earlier post.

According to, the group, "is committed to a traditional conservative agenda that emphasizes limited government, individual liberty, free markets and a confident foreign policy."

If they are in fact, committed to these prinicipals, I say go them. However, if this is a gay neo-conservative think thank, I'm already getting ready for my trademarked eye roll. What concerns me more than that, though, is the next line on the homepage,
"GOProud promotes our traditional conservative agenda by influencing
politics and policy at the federal level."

I don't think that they understand the vastly small amount of influence that they seemed to have while they were part of the LCR. I can understand that they want a voice, but joining in with the very people who want nothing to do with you seems... shall we say odd? Even more odd is then leaving said group because you want to be even more like the people who want nothing to do with you. I must admit, and perhaps because I am just one of those dirty liberals, I am utterly perplexed.

To view the original article, click here.
To see the site for GOProud, click here.

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